Cumpleaños in San Pancho…
yeah yeah yeah…I freaked out a little because I turned 40. though I got what I wanted…to be out of the country! of course I chose the trusted town called San Pancho (some say I should just live there) – but nah – i’d rather visit and perhaps live 2-3 months out of the year. Megan and I celebrated our birthdays (hers is four days before mine) once again in a foreign country..last year was Buenos Aires. What can I say…turning forty in hot lovely weather, a pool and the beach by my side, doing art (collaborating with ms. megan) and feeling the love everywhere (from la familia, megan, and everyone who texted/emailed/called me)…it was certainly more than I wished for……as always…I am so grateful…..(to see more pictures click here)…oh by the way – I’ve just posted my new mix – 10.2008 (thanks to all my peeps in NYC) – click here if your interested in downloading.
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