Website for 2021
It’s been amazing going back to my archives realizing where I tapered off – the big paralysis year of 2016, interesting. I’m coming across what used to be super simple have become so simple, it’s a bit complex. I used to design websites for a living (short lived) and used to be a whiz…but now it’s a bit different, so much so, I’m keeping my blog on WP and my professional art website on SquareSpace (I think – still testing). Opening up the hood and detangling the backend has been exciting..I’ve created a subdomain ( for my blog (hate SS’s back end) in preparation for transferring my DNS to SS, will keep my email with google.

In retrospect, my exhibition was a tad thin, but the academic papers and interviews seemed to ramp up – as a matter of fact we’re cover girls to Gina Velasco’s new book

Contested Nationalisms in the Filipina/o Diaspora