so in a span of 3 weeks I managed to flip over my handlebars and land on the pavement using my shoulder to break the fall and twist my knee in such a way it sometimes feels like it’ll bend backward like a flamingo bends it’s knees. luckily after the following xrays, no fractures – […]
have always wanted to explore this area…beautiful
always been curious about this walk (love that there’s no drones allowed)
Another glorious Saturday, this time in the East Bay. Headed over to some familiar grounds – Tilden Park. It was clear after the rain. I was imagining how it would have been hiking this area, Monday with 70-90 mph winds. There were freshly broken branches here and there..nature – don’t fuck with her.
Saturday adventures – this time at Sweeney via Sneath off of 280. Walked up and check out the Nike Missile Site as well as the area where colonist Portola usurped, really slaughtered the Ohlone who generously nursed them from sickness (jerks). It was a glorious day!!