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The series, Daily Slots (circa 2008), part of my collaborative project with Paz de la Calzada during our “Capitalism is over if you want it” days. Repurposed newspaper stands – such a relic within my lifetime. “Will Your Vote Count” – well…yes indeed it turns out. Tryin’ Times (r.i.p. Roberta)


In preparation for Guy Fox Day and all the OCCUPY action that’s been going…the DAILY SLOTS hit the newstands AGAIN! Who would have thought over a year ago our actions were appropriate for today! We hit the following newstands – MARKET/POWELL + MARKET/MONTGOMERY + MARKET/DRUMM. Just in case you forgot – here’s some documentation from […]

KUSF in EXILE – DJ Margaret Tedesco

last Saturday (day after my birthday) CIO was invited by Cheryl Meeker and hosted by DJ Margaret Tedesco to do an interview on KUSF in EXILE on her program called ROLL CALL: BAY AREA ARTS CULTURE. Along with discussing CIO projects, we discussed our own individual practices. The folks that were able to make it […]

Living Without Money at ATA!

CIO!  presents “Living Without Money” at ATA There will be a discussion after the screening as well as some great goodies from! There is a suggested $5 donation, but no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. WHEN: Sunday September 25 Doors open at 2pm Movie begins at 2:30pm WHERE: Artists’ Television Access […]

Daily Slots – book available from

hello all – if anyone’s interested in investing in some Capitalism is Over If You Want! paraphernalia – you could find our Daily Slots Books at blurb – just click on the picture!