The series, Daily Slots (circa 2008), part of my collaborative project with Paz de la Calzada during our “Capitalism is over if you want it” days. Repurposed newspaper stands – such a relic within my lifetime. “Will Your Vote Count” – well…yes indeed it turns out. Tryin’ Times (r.i.p. Roberta)
Daily Slots
Daily Slots strikes again – this time relating to the Dakota Pipeline. THE PIPELINE A BLOODMINE
Daily Slots sent a powerful message a couple weeks ago. The results from the social media involved: SF Media scraping up money to compensate artists for their Rock the Box Contest The backstory: Paz and I decide to an action in front of the Twitter building. Inspired by calls for artists by the SF Media […]
here’s another action Paz and I did, it was written up in the MissionLocal (though poorly written we received some the comments) – press coverage is always good! GONE HOME was the phrase we used, then Paz return the next day and placed CASA MALA (bad home) which actually lasted longer than our initial […]
In August Paz and I were invited to exhibit Daily Slots at the Mission Cultural Center for a show titled UNTITLED. We were able to exhibit our video/still documentation and a message. Throughout the show the audience was invited to participate by suggesting messages where we will put up throughout 2014…and the piece goes on!! […]