The series, Daily Slots (circa 2008), part of my collaborative project with Paz de la Calzada during our “Capitalism is over if you want it” days. Repurposed newspaper stands – such a relic within my lifetime. “Will Your Vote Count” – well…yes indeed it turns out. Tryin’ Times (r.i.p. Roberta)
Celebrated my good friend Wendi and her partner Bobby’s lovely zoom wedding. Given that this place brings me back to my first outing with Wendi, we found it appropo to be there in celebration of them…it was lovely to see all the Globies there! After the ceremony we decided to meander and have lunch…as we […]
Digging into my archive of images for this show I came across this image. Women’s March 2017. Seems like a lifetime ago, when in reality it was only months ago. We’re approaching a year since the November 8th elections – little combustions happening here and there. This image was taken from the GFW Offices while […]
Daily Slots strikes again – this time relating to the Dakota Pipeline. THE PIPELINE A BLOODMINE
Went to the SFBC Meet and Greet the new SFBC ED: Brian Wiedenmeier event and listened to what the ED’s got. Overall I’m hopeful he’s heading the movement to the correct direction. Colleagues and I were mentioned in this article on StreetsblogSF