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In preparation for Guy Fox Day and all the OCCUPY action that’s been going…the DAILY SLOTS hit the newstands AGAIN! Who would have thought over a year ago our actions were appropriate for today! We hit the following newstands – MARKET/POWELL + MARKET/MONTGOMERY + MARKET/DRUMM. Just in case you forgot – here’s some documentation from […]

Living Without Money at ATA!

CIO!  presents “Living Without Money” at ATA There will be a discussion after the screening as well as some great goodies from! There is a suggested $5 donation, but no one will be turned away due to lack of funds. WHEN: Sunday September 25 Doors open at 2pm Movie begins at 2:30pm WHERE: Artists’ Television Access […]

Post Ingrid

For my birthday Megan took me to see Ingrid Betancourt. Have to say it was a very moving experience. My history with Ingrid spans 7+ years. I remember being intrigued by this Presidential candidate in Columbia. So in 2002/2003 I read her book “Till Death Do Us Part” and not soon after she was sequestered. […]

Ingrid Betancourt

She’ll be here in SF on my birthday! I remember reading her first book before she was kidnapped and am super intrigued to see her in person. The International Museum of Women presents Ingrid Betancourt for our latest Extraordinary Voices, Extraordinary Change Speaker Series. Former Colombian Senator and activist Ingrid Betancourt tells the story of […]


i’ve now migrated ALL my travel pix into a much more reliable gallery…so so so – all’s there if you haven’t seen them you should! I’m actually surprised that I did all that travelling..feels like it was a lifetime ago.