Had a conversation with the students at Mercy High, Burlingame yesterday. Thank you again Caroline, love that we re-connect at different iterations of my (art) career! (um – I actually wouldn’t identify as a painter or actress
Celebrated my good friend Wendi and her partner Bobby’s lovely zoom wedding. Given that this place brings me back to my first outing with Wendi, we found it appropo to be there in celebration of them…it was lovely to see all the Globies there! After the ceremony we decided to meander and have lunch…as we […]
have always wanted to explore this area…beautiful
always been curious about this walk (love that there’s no drones allowed)
Another glorious Saturday, this time in the East Bay. Headed over to some familiar grounds – Tilden Park. It was clear after the rain. I was imagining how it would have been hiking this area, Monday with 70-90 mph winds. There were freshly broken branches here and there..nature – don’t fuck with her.