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a day in TJ

Spent a day in TJ with my pal Joni. Was dead as it possibly could have been. We went over to the bullring by the ocean and actually right by the border. Then had lovely yummy tacos that i’ve been missing since San Pancho.


con la familia y regina at tasa….the last meal before coming back to domestic soil..all photos taken by rio (‘cept the rockstar photo of glades and I)


the final week was full of food and more food…libations…and lovely energy. will definitely miss the san pacheca/o crew….. click image for more pictures from the sushi fiesta  mmm..chalupa image for more pictures


okay…this turkey is scary, it’s big, mean and loud…escuela del mundo’s mascot – IMAGINE?

la tienda…

of of the last projects (besides the invite for the valentine’s show at galeria el nayar) was to spruce up the exterior of Marco’s store (which I sense will be VERY successful this coming year)…here are some of the “work in progress” images: