Daily Slots: Would You Marry Me Now
just another Sunday and as it turns out – “he” got some action in the Chronicle Monday Feb 26, 2012. For clarification purposes – this actually was an action calling attention to the overturn of Prop. 8. Paz and I felt it appropriate to do the action at City Hall since this was the site of the very successful same-sex marriage unions back in 2004/5. The quote “Would You Marry Me Now” comes from the question of how many people would actually marry due the overturning of Prop 8. Don’t get us wrong – we’re totally for same-sex marriage, but based on what happened in Spain, turns out when they passed the law that allowed same-sex marriages to have equal rights as hetero marriages, not many same-sex couples actually got married. Interesting bit of information, eh?
Marriage proposal foiled by city laws
A local Romeo hoped to ask a big question Monday morning, but the plans might have stepped on important toes: San Francisco laws. (click on article below to check out the whole story.)
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