Living Without Money at ATA!
There will be a discussion after the screening as well as some great goodies from!
There is a suggested $5 donation, but no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

Doors open at 2pm
Movie begins at 2:30pm
WHERE: Artists’ Television Access
992 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(52 minutes, directed by Line Halvorsen)
Is it possible to feel rich without possessions? Can you live happily without money? In the documentary “Living Without Money”, we meet the German woman Heidemarie Schwermer (68) who made a deliberate choice to live without money 14 years ago. One day she cancelled her flat, donated all of her belongings and started a new life based on exchanging favors – without the use of money. The experiences she made totally changed her outlook on life. Today she is living an interesting and adventurous life, which is very much related to living in the moment without worrying about the future. She is constantly on the move and always trying to help others find their path towards a more simple and harmonic life. The reactions against her are many and various. While some get angry and call her a parasite, others think she is a visionary and a great source of inspiration.
The film reflects around themes of materialism and over-consumption – how money influences our way of thinking, living and acting – and the consequences this has on our life, health and the environment.
Green Bag Lady is an eco-friendly art project started in 2008. Teresa and her team of volunteer “Bagettes” make fabric bags out of donated material and give them away for FREE in exchange for a promise to use them instead of paper or plastic. To date they have given away over 17,000 bags all over the world.
CIO!’s Installation at the Right Window
Projections at Luggage Store Gallery’s Projection Space
featuring: Stephen Parr/Oddball Film + Video
Megan Wilson
TWCDC (Together We Can Defeat Capitalism)
ALL through October 1