Pride & Art Projects
Then Sunday- my first outing to a theater..the infamous Castro Theater where Frameline was happening. Watched Homegrown – a series of shorts about the Bay Area. All I have to say is that there’s major history that has originated from SF…the legalization of marijuana to name one. The Dennis Peron story was well done!

Weekend was spent out and about. First, rode our bicycles to the Great Highway to help a friend with a sound piece involving bluetooth speakers, semi-coordinated sound & bikes. Chris Brown recorded a piece in collaboration with Dayang Yraola from the Philippines. We road our bicycles up and down the Great Highway enjoying the resonance of both transmitted sounds and existing natural sounds of the waves, birds and people. Below is a brief description:
Music for 1000 Bicycles is an art happening. The collaborating artists will produce music and or sound works that will be uploaded on mobile digital music players. These music players and speakers will be fitted on bicycles. They will also produce performance instructions that the bikers will follow. The ride, which is also the performance, is scheduled for an hour, ideally on an outdoor location, like a park. This performance will be captured on video. The video will be stitched together until 1000 bicycles have already been recorded, making the documentary video of Music for 1000 Bicycles