Shameless Plugs
so it began by being included in this gorgeous publishing edited by Isabelle Thuy Pelaud, Lan Duong, Mariam B. Lam, and Kathy L. Nguyen titled: TROUBLING BORDERS: An Anthology of Art and Literature by Southeast Asian Women in the Diaspora. M.O.B. and our personal work are feature in these full color pages (click on the image to view)
then I was asked to be part of a conversation on Forum (KQED) where we discussed the Tech Boom and how it has the effected the landscape of Creativity and Art in San Francisco (part of KQED’s ‘Priced Out Series’) – the conversation was great and Courtney and Lisa Ruth ROCKED IT – (click on the image to listen)

and lastly I was featured at my alma mater’s (MILLS COLLEGE) paper – the Campanile (click on the image to view)